Xender is an ultimate and widely used file-sharing application in which you can easily transfer any kind of files and documents across various devices. This application serves you a feature to share your videos, photos, audio files, applications, games, and all kinds of files in a simple and understandable way. It is easy to operate and connect to different devices. You can also play your favourite media with its built-in music player that allows you and admirable video quality. To use this application you just have to turn on the hotspot on one phone and connect another phone to it and you are ready to transfer your files. It also hold-up group file sharing where everyone can share one file across 4 various devices. This application doesn’t require any internet connection in order to transfer files. It is the most widely used sharing application with its extremely fast file-sharing ability that you can transfer your videos within a few seconds. This application supports cross-platform file sharing which helps to share your files within Android devices, iOS, or window-based devices. This application is also accessible in multiple languages like Arabic, Chinese, Hindi, German, Indonesian, English, Japanese, and a lot of others.
Author: Dev
Download Xender v6.5.84
Xender is a file transfer app that is quickly becoming the favourite choice of every smartphone user who wants to share large files wirelessly at lightning fast speeds. If you know anything about transferring large files wirelessly between two devices then you must have heard about the xender app. This app uses Wi-Fi and Wi-Fi hotspot of different devices to connect them over a private network which allows them to share files back and forth without having to connect to the internet. this method of file transfer is over 200 times faster than using the Bluetooth on your smartphone. Xender is also one of the most reliable ways to transfer large files because this app lets you resume the files that were interrupted while transferring so you can start the transfer from the same progress bar and save a lot of time in the process. Continue reading
Download Xender v6.5.82
Use xender to transfer large files between two devices wirelessly anywhere and anytime. Wi-Fi is 200 times faster than using Bluetooth in order to transfer files wirelessly between two devices, xender makes use of this exact technology in order to transfer large files between two different devices irrespective of their operating system. Xender is a cross-platform file transfer app which means it does not matter what operating system both devices are running on, it well run and do its job flawlessly. Xender is small in size and has a very simple and easy user interface that you can get used to very easily and you won’t even have to look at instructions on how to start using the app. Continue reading
Download Xender v6.5.81
Share movies photos and videos with your friends simultaneously without having to connect to the internet using xender. It is quickly becoming one of the most popular choice in file transfer apps which you can get on your smartphone for absolutely free of charge. there is no sign up process you can just download the app and start using it right away. You no longer have to spend your precious data in order to download the game which your friend has installed in there their device, just use the xender app to share it. xender can be used to transfer any sort of files between two devices wirelessly at a very fast pace. 8 uses Wi-Fi and Wi-Fi hotspot from different devices to form a private network that both can access to transfer files back and forth. this way of file transfer is 200 times faster than using Bluetooth. Continue reading
Download Xender v6.5.80
Do you want to share large files between two devices but don’t want to use cables? Download the xender app on your smartphone to start sharing large files over a private network without having to spend any data in the process. Xender is a free app available for all the major operating systems and you can also use this app on your computer to share files back and forth from it. The computer must have Wi-Fi hardware in order to share files from your computer. you don’t have to create account in order to use gender and all of its features. Continue reading
Download Xender v6.5.79
Xender is quickly becoming the most popular way to transfer files between two devices no matter their operating system. The app uses Wi-Fi and Wi-Fi hotspot of two or more devices to connect them with a private network over which both devices can transfer data without having to use the internet or cables. you no longer have to transfer files in a flash drive or a memory card to share them with your friends, just download the xender app for free and start sharing right away. it is a free app available for all the major operating systems such as Android IOS and even windows which means you can now connect with your computer without having to use any cables and transfer large files anytime and anywhere. Continue reading
Download Xender v6.5.78
If you want to transfer large files between two wireless devices then you must download xender on your smartphone because it is one of the fastest ways to transfer large files reliably from one device to another. Xender is a free app available for all the major operating systems such as Android IOS and even windows which means you can use the same app to transfer files back and forth from your PC to your mobile device. the app is available for absolutely free of charge and you don’t even have to sign up to start using xender on your smartphone. It is a fast and very reliable app that you can use to transfer any sort of files ranging from photos, videos, movies and even contacts from one phone to another. Continue reading
Download Xender v6.5.76
Xender is a file transfer app designed for Android and IOS devices that you can use to transfer files from one device to another without having to connect wires or transfer the files over the internet where you will be charged with your data. Xender is one of the fastest ways to Transfer large files from one device to another because it uses Wi-Fi and Wi-Fi hotspot of both devices to transfer files. This is over 200 times faster than using Bluetooth which is a very old technology and cannot be used reliably while transferring large files because if you happen to have an error while you are transferring files then you will have to start all over again and it is also a lot slower than using your Wi-Fi. Continue reading
Download Xender v6.5.74
If you want an easy to use app that you can use to transfer files between two devices seamlessly at a very fast pace then you must download the xender app which is available for free for all the major operating systems such as Android IOS and windows. This app will allow you to transfer large files between devices without having to use any cables. You can send any sort of files between devices using xender app such as photos videos movies, games, apps and even contacts. Xender uses Wi-Fi and Wi-Fi hotspot of the devices to transfer large files at a very fast pace and it will not cost you a dime because you will not be spending any data in the process. Continue reading
Download Xender v6.5.73
Xender is one of the most popular ways to transfer files between two devices wirelessly and is quickly becoming the favourite choice of people who transfer games between two smartphones because you now have the ability to transfer large game files without having to download it over the internet on your phone and spend a lot of data in the process, xender helps you save all that money that you would otherwise spend on data and helps you start playing your favourite games right away. If you wish to share a movie with a friend then the best toys would be to transfer it using xender because it allows its users to transfer large files very easily using Wi-Fi and Wi-Fi hotspots of both devices. Continue reading