Download Xender v6.5.67

XenderXender is quickly becoming one of the most popular ways to transfer files between two devices wirelessly because you do not have to use any sort of cables to transfer large files between two devices no matter their operating system and the best part is that you do not have to pay a single time or spend your precious data while transferring files because it uses Wi-Fi and Wi-Fi hotspot of both devices and makes a private network which you can use to transfer any sort of files between them. if you want to send the same file to a group of people then you can do it very fast using descender because it gives you the ability to send the same file to a bunch of people who are connected to your phone using the same xender app on their smartphones or tablets.

Xender is a free app which can be used on a number of popular operating systems such as windows, Android and iOS. It is a free app that can be downloaded very fast because of its small size and it also has a very user friendly interface which you can start using right away without having to read any manual. The best part about using xender is the transfer speeds because it uses the fastest connection between two devices which is Wi-Fi and Wi-Fi Hotspot and you are not sending the data to a server so it is as fast as it can be without connecting cables and going through the hassle.

Download Xender v6.5.67 for Android

  • Download Xender.
  • Open file manager to locate the downloaded apk file.
  • Install Xender and wait for it to install successfully.
  • Open Xender.


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